Friday, April 27, 2007

Our First Portfolio of Loans

Today represents a major milestone as the Microlumbia Fund has channeled money for the first time into actual entrepreneurs in the developing world. We have started with a modest $500 in Kiva's website but we expect that quantity to grow and grow.
So far we have lent money to a doctor in Kenya, a Dresser in Afghanistan, a Cosmetics Salesperson in Cambodia, a Grocery Store owner in Azerbaijan and a Retailer in Kenya. We're also making progress in other fronts but it is still too early, hopefully we will report on that sometime soon!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Microlumbia's blog is inaugurated!!!

We will keep track here of the progress and setbacks of our exciting endeavor, trying to bring the wonderful tool of microfinance to Columbia Business School while also helping those in developing economies.
Good luck!